We arrived at the Fundacio Vicenc Ferrer (FVF) fairly late, at about 1.30am and the peace and quiet in the compound was a lovely surprise after a long and shaky journey. The next morning, having rested and charged up batteries (all: body, mind, camera, ipod, phone...) we went for breakfast and to identify ourselves as visitors with the authority in charge. Walking from the rooms to the sponsorship office, with pit-stop at the dining hall, one notices something strange: the compound is silent, clean, orderly, peaceful. Basically, everything that India is not. There in the distance, beyond the entry gates, there is noise, dirt, trafic, fumes...
Despres d'identificar els nins/nines apadrinats (i no era nomes un!) i planificar visites els dies seguents, ens vam posar en marxa amb les visites als diferents centres que te la fundacio. Hospital, hospital de SIDA, hospital de maternitat, centre de planificacio familiar, centre de manualitats per discapacitats, etc. Molt interessant i, cal dir, que es fa molta i molt bona feina (tant per part dels voluntaris com per part dels treballadors de la FVF).Al final d'un dia ple de visites tocava passar per l'oficina i saludar el Vicenc. Parlar amb el Vicenc no deixa indiferent a ningu. Es un homenet vell (88) amb la fragilitat aparent d'un gerro de vidre, que treu foc per la boca. A estones no sembla del tot lucid, pero en general sap el que es diu. La provocacio verbal com a metode d'analisi de qui n'es receptor es una tecnica molt usada ( i que m'agrada molt a mi). Quan ho fa un padrinet, que sembla que s'ha de trencar si s'aixeca, amb la tranquil.litat de molts anys de bagatge, de molts anys de sofriment i de molts anys de feina pels altres amb grans millores i fites aconseguides, no pots fer altra cosa que somriure i jugar-hi, sabent que perdras. Te caracter i es carismatic (aixi ha aconseguit el que ha aconseguit). El seu missatge es poderos tot i que no deixa d'estar antiquat, en certa manera.
After identifying the sponsored boys and girls (not just one!) and planning the visits for the following days, we got going with the visits to the diferent centres that the FVF has. Hospitals, AIDS hospital, maternity centre, family planning centre, disabled arts and crafts centre, etc. Very interesting and, one must say, that much work, and good work, is being done (both by the volunteers as well as the workers). After a day full of visits it was time to drop by the office and greet Vicente Ferrer. Talking with Vicente Ferrer doesn't leave you feeling indifferent. He's an old man (88) with the apparent frailty of a glass vase, that spews fire out of his mouth. At times he doesn't seem quite with it, but in general he knows what he's saying. Verbal provocation as a means of analysing people is an extended technique (one which I happen to like). When an ol grandad, who seems will break if he stands up, does this to you, with the peace of mind that gives him many years of suffering for others and much good work done with plenty of achievements in the aid of people, then all you can do is smile and play the game, knowing full well you will loose. He has character and carisma (that's how he's achieved all he has). His message is powerful, though it's old and tired.
El dia seguent era dia de visites als poblats. I aqui es quan torna a escena el polo de Hampi (molt probablement). 40 de febre, vomits i diarrea - lo tipic d'una intoxicacio. Per sort em va (ens va - al David tambe, 1 dia i mig despres) passar estant a la FVF i no sol a qualsevols lloc. Amb un equip medic de 4 metges i 2 enfermeres, vaig estar ben ates. Dos dies despres i com a nou: purificat, desintoxicat i aprimat.
The next day was day of visit to the villages. And here the ice-lolly from Hampi (most likely) makes a second appearance in the play. 40C fever, vomits, diarrhea - the usual for food poisoning. Lucky for me (and David - a day and a half later he too fell) I was at the FVF and not alone elsewhere. With 4 doctors and 2 nurses around, I was well taken care of. Two days later and as good as new: purified, detoxed and thinner.
Despres del petit parentesi vaig anar a visitar Vijaykumar al seu poblat, que va resultar ser a 3 hores de cami. L'experiencia de les visites als pobles dels nins apadrinats, com ja m'havien comentat, es una mescla entre emotiva i violenta. L'ocasio es tota una festa per la gent del poble. En el meu cas em va rebre TOT el poble, amb dances tribals i musica. De l'entrada del poble fins a la casa de Vijaykumar vam anar en processo, amb la musica, les dances, i jo com si fos l'imatge d'un sant que passejen a les festes. Violent - amb el poc que m'agrada a mi ser el centre d'atencio. La resta del temps va passar entre explicacions de la traductora, presentacions de tota la familia, regals que els havia duit, cants i balls dels nins i nines, fotos, etc. Una experiencia globalment positiva, molt interessant. La familia i el poble realment estan contents i es senten honrats que algu que els dona suport economic (indirectament) vengui de tan alluny per visitar-los. Per mi hi ha dues coses negatives. Una es que, tot i l'espectacle visual i de color de la visita (molt bonic), un no veu realment com viu la gent al poblat - el dia a dia, els problemes que tenen, etc. Altra es el tracte i la veneracio cap a la teva persona. Qui aporta 18 euros al mes per ajudar els projectes de la FVF no es cap sant/a. Hi ha moltes motivacions per donar suport als que el necessiten; el reconeixement esta be per alguns - pero la idolatracio ja es una mica massa.
After the small break in activity I went to visit Vijaykumar in his village, which happened to be 3 hours away. The experience of visiting the village of sponsored children, as I had been told, is a mixture of emotional and awkward. A visit is an festive occasion for the whole village. In my case the WHOLE village was waiting for me with tribal dances, music. From the entrance to the village until Vijaykumar's house we walked in procession with the music, the dancing and I, as if I was the image of some saint that is carried around the town for some festive celebration. Awkward – I really hate being the centre of attention anyway. The rest of the time was spent listening to the explanations from the translator, introductions to the whole family, giving presents I had for them, dancing and singing acts by the children, photo session, etc. A globally positive experience, very interesting. The family and the village people are really happy and honoured that someone that helps them economically (indirectly) should come from so far away to visit them. For me there were two negative things. One is that, despite the beautiful display of colour and sound (very attractive), one cannot really see how these people live – the day-to-day, the issues they face, etc. Another is the way you are treated and venerated. Someone who contributes 18 euro a month to help fund FVF projects is not a saint. There are many motivations for giving to the needy; self recognition is ok for some – but becoming an idol for that reason is a bit too much.
La resta de la setmana la vaig passer de relax al recinte de la FVF. Durant la setmana s’ha anat creant un grup de gent jove molt interessant que, per diverses raons, estaven de visita per lliure. Juntament amb els voluntaris hem compartit dinars, sopars, tertulies, cerveses, jocs, trucs, experiencies, etc. Realment molt interessant i instructiu. Salutacions a tots: David, Juantxo, Idoya, Lagui, Amaya, Benji, Ana, Veronica, Jose, Ezequiel, Israel i segur que me deix algun altre. I tambe a tots els voluntaris i voluntaries. I despres de perrear uns dies a Anantapur vam decidir de fer una visita – gairebe obligada – a Putthaparti: la casa de Sai Baba.
The rest of the week was spent relaxing at the FVF. During that week a nice group of young people traveling around and visiting the FVF has formed. Together with the volunteers we shared meals, chats, beers, games, thoughts, etc. Very interesting indeed. Regards to all. And also to all the volunteers. After bumming around in Anantapur for a few days we decided to make the next visit – almost compulsory – to Putthaparti: the house of Sai Baba.
Sai Baba es un homenet vell (un altre) que als 14 anys es va autoproclamar la reencarnacio de no se quin sant o persona sagrada. Els seus fans el consideren la reencarnacio de Deu a la Terra. I a comprovar-ho anarem. Entrant a l’ashram de Sai Baba – despres de 2 hores de bus – vaig tenir la mateixa sensacio que a l’entrar a la FVF: ordre, neteja, silenci. Igual, pero a major escala. Aqui hi ha milers de persones, es un altre nivell. El montatge es monumental: dins el recinte hi ha supermercat, llibreria, oficina de correus, etc. Afora no es queden curts. Putthaparti ha passat de ser un poblat pobre a una ciutat amb hospitals, universitat, milers de tendes, restaurants, etc. Tota una transformacio. Es fan dues ceremonies al dia, el les quals pot o no compareixer el guru. El demati despres d’arribar ens llevarem d’hora i anarem al temple. Jo estava emocionat, expectant. Entrarem i ens col.locarem. Dones i homes separats, fora sabates. El temple es una nau industrial gran, sense parets i el sol es ciment. Les decoracions al sostre i l’altar ho diferencien d’una altra nau industrial qualsevol. Vam esperar una hora. Comencen els cantics. Expectacio. A la vora del temple esta la casa del guru. El seu cotxe espera fora pel trajecte de 15m (60m si comptam fins l’altar). 40 minuts de cantics despres sembla que es mouen figures alla alluny a la casa. Efectivament, el guru fa l’entrada al recinte (moment patrocinat per Toyota). Molt lentament va anar passant pel carril cotxe, mentre la gent es posava les mans al cap fens sons d’adoracio. El guru va passar i va mirar (rera el vidre); va anar fins l’altar, on el van treure i el van ficar a unes estancies tancades on, suposadament, rep certa gent i canta amb ells. Ja no el vam tornar veure. Resultat: absolutament no-res. Ni il.luminats, ni impressionats, ni res de res. Ara, cansats i malhumorats, aixo si. I jo me deman: si aquest homenet fos Deu (o el que un ho vulgui anomenar) o la seva reencarnacio aqui, no ho notaria jo al veure’l i estar en la seva presencia? En resum: una estafa.
Sai Baba is a little old man (another) that at the age of 14 self-declared the reincarnation of some saint of sacred person (no clue who). His fans consider him the reincarnation of God on Earth. And we headed out to check this very thing. Walking into Sai Baba’s ashram – after 2 hours of bus – I had the same feeling as walking into the FVF: orderly, clean and quiet. The same but at a greater scale. There are thousands of people here, it’s a different level. The setup is certainly impressive: inside the compound there is a supermarket, a bookshop, a post office, etc. Outside it’s just as impressive. Putthaparti has changed from a tiny poor village into a city with hospitals, a university, many shops, restaurants, etc. A full transformation. There are two ceremonies a day, in which the guru may or may not make his appearance. The morning after our arrival we got up early and headed to the temple. I was excited, full of expectations. We got in and took a place. Men and women in separate wings, no shoes. The temple is but a large industrial warehouse, without walls and paved. The decorations on the ceiling and the altar are what make this place somewhat different from any industrial warehouse. We waited an hour. The singing started. Expectation. Next to the temple there is the house of the guru. His car awaits outside to cover the full 15m into the temple (60m if you count to the altar). 40 minutes of singing after it seems there is some movement there in the distance. Indeed, the guru makes his entrance (moment sponsored by
I ara al que ocupa el titol d’aquesta entrada de blog (a la fi): Vicenc Ferrer vs. Sai Baba. Despres d’haver estat als dos llocs la primera conclusion es: ambdues organitzacions tenen un aire sectari (Sai Baba molt mes). Vicenc Ferrer es un predicador, un evangelista. El seu missatge d’ajuda als alters neix de la seva ideologia catolica. Despres d’escoltar-lo varies vegades un se n’adona que aquest rerafons sempre l’acompanyara. Un fet semblant passa amb el Sai Baba. El missatge de pau, amor i espiritualitat es el que atrau a tanstissima gent en un mon tan necessitat d’aquestes qualitats. La direfencia, pero, es molt notable. Rera el missatge de Vicenc Ferrer hi ha tot un grapat de persones treballant en el mon real: ajudant a la gent que ho necessita. L’accio que predica Vicenc es el que realment dona valor a la FVF. I que fa el Sai Baba? No ho se ben be. El que si que es clar es que la quantitat de diners que rep en donacions es monumental, arreu
Conclusio: KILL THE GURU. Els gurus sobren. L’accio que es fa es el que queda. No estic il.luminat: una pena.
And now for the subject of this blog entry (finally): Vicente Ferrer vs. Sai Baba. Having been in both places the first conclusion is: both organizations stink of sect (Sai Baba considerably more). Vicente Ferrer is a preacher, an evangelist. His message of helping others comes from his catholic ideology. After hearing him several times one realises that this will always be a part of his speach. Something similar happens with Sai Baba. The message of peace, love and spirituality is what draws so many people in a world that is so needy of such qualities. The difference is, however, quite important. Behind Vicente Ferrer preaching there are a whole bunch of people working in the real world: helping people in need. Action is what makes the FVF a worthy organisation. What does Sai Baba do? I’m not entirely sure. The huge amount of money he receives in donations has been used to build hospitals, university in Putthaparti – and the development of the town is there to see. But further than that people are still living in poverty. There is no active aid for people.
Conclusion: KILL THE GURU. Gurus are expendable. Action is what remains. I haven’t been enlightened: it’s a real shame.