A mesura que un s'allunya de Mumbai en tren, deixant la ciutat enrera, dues coses semblen evidents: una que el paisatge metropolita deixa pas a un mon rural arid i caluros - la India rural; altra que aquest es un pais inclassificable: un poliedre en el qual cada cara i cada aresta mostra una petita realitat d'un tot unit malgrat i, alhora, gracies a grans contradiccions.
Arribant a l'estat de Goa rapidament es creua una aresta i la realitat ja es una altra. Aqui gairebe tot gira envers el turisme i es perceb una major prosperitat - no per a tothom desgraciadament. Goa es una barreja de l'esperit sedos i relaxat brasiler amb la manera de fer india (el caos organitzat). Amb extenses platjes sub-tropicals de cara a ponent, Goa es vertaderament un paradis - en la forma d'entendre-ho occidental - on la fotografia perfecta es, sens dubte, el sol que s'amaga a l'horitzo, tenyint la mar, l'arena i les palmeres d'un intens color roig que anuncia l'arribada del vespre.
Pero rera aquesta postal estan els inevitables xiringuitos, cabanyes de platja, lloguer de motos, bars, discoteques, venedors, etc. - a mes de l'omnipresent exercit format per aquells mes desfavorits i menys afortunats que estan al marge i subsisteixen de les nostres deixalles.
He estat 4 dies a Palolem, al sud de l'estat de Goa. Passejar per la platja els matins i els horabaixes; nedar a les tebes aigues arabigues; llegir; agradables conversacions mig en portugues mig en castella amb els avis de la zona, etc. En resum, uns dies de relax per descansar (al cap i a la fi son unes vacances) i preparar la resta del cami.
Des d'aqui salutacions a David i Andrew - companys aquests dies - esper que aconsigau el necessari per embarcar-vos en la vostra gran aventura. I no vull oblidar-me d'Ashwini (quin nom mes bonic!! - estrella), gracies per tota l'ajuda i informacio.
As one departs Mumbai on the train, leaving the city behind, two things seem obvious: one that the metropolitan jungle becomes a hot and arid rural landscape - rural India; another is that this country is unclassifiable: a geometrical body of infinite sides, each one showing a small reality of a whole that is cohesive despite, and thanks to also, its great contradictions.
Arriving in the state of Goa is changing from one plane to another and the reality has changed. Here almost everything revolves around tourism and there seems to be more wealthiness - not for all, sadly. Goa is a mix of the silky and relaxed brasilian spirit with the indian way of life (organised chaos). With long stretches of sub-tropical beach facing west, Goa is truly a paradise - in the western sense of the word - where the perfect picture is, without a doubt, the sun sinking on the horizon, dying the sand, the sea and the palm trees with an intens red colour that announces the evening.
But behind this beautiful postcard there are the inevitable beach stalls, huts, scooter rentals, bars, nightclubs, street stalls, etc. - apart from the ever present army of those who are less fortunate and live cast to a side from what we dispose of.
I've spent 4 days in Palolem, to the southern end of the state. Long walks along the beach in the early morning and evening, swimming in the warm waters of the Arabian sea, reading, chatting half in Portuguese - half in Spanish with the elders of the place, etc. To sum it up: relaxing for a few days (this is a holiday, after all) and planning the rest of the way.
Kind regards to Andrew and David - friends for a few days - I hope you find all you need to set out on what sounds like the trip of a lifetime. And also to Ashwini (star - what a beautiful name) thanks for all the help and info.
viernes, 7 de marzo de 2008
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1 comentario:
Ets un poeta tio!!!jeje
De moment en dus 3 i no me superes, ja ferem els comptes quan tornis!
un bessasso!!!!!!
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