lunes, 7 de abril de 2008


Crec que m'he aburrit a mi mateix escrivint l'entrada anterior del blog. No vull ni imaginar lo aburrit que deu haver estat llegir-la (dubt que ningu l'hagi llegida sencera). Per aixo mateix passam de blog-opinio a blog-enumeracio (menys quan calgui).

Despres de la decepcio de Putthaparti vaig fer una aturada tecnica a Anantapur per recollir la motxilla i vaig agafar el tren cap el nord: a Hyderabad. Tretze hores de viatge i ja era a un dels centres musulmans del pais. Hyderabad es, en realitat, una cuitat mes de la India. No te l'encant de Mumbai ni la magnificencia de Kolkatta. Te molt de transit, molta contaminacio, molta brutor, molta gent, molta calor i poques vaques. El que si que te es gent molt amable i hospitalaria, quan no et volen vendre res. Apart d'aixo: el barri arab amb una de les mesquites mes grans del mon (Mecca Masjid) i els bazaars tipics on es troba de tot, l'estatua de Buddha en peu mes gran del mon (al mig d'un llac); son les atracctions principals a Hyderabad. En 3 dies no he vist cap altre turista al carrer: novedos. Al tercer dia he agafat un vol (fent trampes, si) cap a Kolkatta.

I think I bored myself writing the last blog entry. I don't want to imagine how boring it must have been to read it (doubt anyone did, at least in full). Hence the blog will now be a list of what I've done, more or less.

After the big disappointment of Putthaparti I made a technical stop in Anantapur to collect my backpack and took the train heading north: to Hyderabad. Thirteen hours later and I was in one of the major Muslim centres of the country. Hyderabad is, simply, another city in India.It doesn't have the charm of Mumbai or the grandiosity of Kolkatta. It has a lot of traffic, lots of pollution, lots of dirt, lots of heat and few cows. What it does have is very helpful and hospitable people, when they are not trying to sell you something. Other than that: the muslim quarters with Mecca Masjid (one of the largest mosques in the world) and the traditional bazaars where anything can be bought, the standing Buddha statue, the largest in the world (in the middle of a lake); they are the main attractions of Hyderabad. In 3 days I saw no other tourist on the street: novel. The third day I took a flight (slight cheat, I know) to Kolkatta.

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