miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008


Arrib a Kolkatta i el 1er obstacle es que es festa; es Holi, festival hindu del color. Festa = taxi car. No passa res. 2on obstacle es que la recepcio a molts hotels esta tancada. No passa res. Trob una oberta i em fic a un dormitori amb 5 altres persones, de colonies. Problemes resolts i vaig a veure que es aixo de Holi. Resultat: cara, mans, bracos, roba...ple de color (putada que costa molt esforc llevar-s'ho). Holi es el bon rotllo indio: gent pel carrer pintant-se l'un a l'altre, ballant i, curiosament, algun borratxin indio (dels primers que veig).

Kolkatta despren un aire de majestuositat. Conserva gran part dels edificis grandiosos de l'epoca colonial (en estat de conservacio millorable, clar) i aixo, juntament amb grans carrers amples i el riu, es mescla per crear un ambient relaxat i cosmopolita. Tot i ser una ciutat amb turistes i molts voluntaris estrangers, Kolkatta es tot tranquil.litat i l'agressivitat d'altres llocs (comerciants, rickshaws, etc.) no esta present aqui.

Despres d'un dia ple de visites turistiques (Victoria memorial, Kalighats, Howrah bridge, Park street, etc.) amb nova companyia de viatge, em vaig permetre un massatge shiatzu (de fet gratuit) gracies a Keti, companya d'habitacio al Paragon (les colonies). Tot un luxe. Mans d'angel. El problema d'anar de colonies es que alguns nins et lleven coses. I a mi em van llevar les 5fingers. Li vaig dir al monitor, pero no va poder fer res. Una pena. Per superar la decepcio: un altra sessio de shiatzu (em vaig relaxar tant que em vaig adormir). I aixi, amb visites i caminades entre massatge i massatge, ha arribat dilluns i l'hora de partir cap a les muntanyes: a Darjeeling.

I get to Kolkatta and the 1st obstacle in the course is that it's a holiday (bad planning); it's Holi, Hindu festival of colour. Taxi = more expensive. Not a problem. The 2nd obstacle is that many hotel's reception desks are closed. Not a problem. I find one that is open and I chek into a dorm room with 5 other people, summer camp. Problems solved and I head out to check this Holi thing out. Result: face, hands, arms, clothes...full of colour (damn hard to wash off too). Holi is the indian-way good vibes: people on the streets painting each other, dancing and, funny enough, some drunk locals (first I've seen).
Kolkatta has an air of majesticness. It still has many of the grand colonial buildings (could be better in condition, of course) and this, together with wide paved streets and the river, combines together in creating a relaxed and cosmopolitan atmosphere. Despite the many tourists and volunteers from around the world, Kolkatta is all peacefulness and the agressive nature of other tourist spots (shopkeepers, rickshaws, etc.) is not so here.
After a day full of tourist visits (Victoria memorial, Kalighats, Howrah bridge, Park street, etc.) with new travel company, I allowed myself a shiatzu massage (actually for free) courtesy of Keti, roommate at the Paragon (summer camp). A real treat. Hands of an angel. The problem with summer camp is that other kids take your stuff. In my case, someone took my 5fingers sandals. I told the instructor about it, but nothing could be done. A real shame. To get over it: another session of shiatzu (fell asleep, it was so relaxing). And with this, going places and walking in between massage and massage, Monday has come and so too the time to head to the mountains: to Darjeeling.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Se termino lo que se daba... ara toca passart-te per aquí no perro??
Per cert, he trobat un 2c camioneta blau, no arrib a saber qui n'és l'hamo... seguiré investigant
besos, nuri